Berkeley Electric Cooperative electricity rates continue to be a great value as other services and goods
increase in price. Our projection is for rates to continue to be relatively stable over the next 5 to 10
years at less than 1% increase per year.
General Service < 100kWh use per hour: "GS-1" Rate 20/21
Available for all non-residential members for single phase and multi-phase service up to 100 kVa
transformer, with a single point of delivery. Our Service Availability Charge covers the fixed cost to
provide service to our members at $1.18 per day, which allows us to have a lower price per kWh
delivered to our members (multi-phase has a higher minimum charge). The rate is priced for winter and
summer season rate, as our wholesale cost of power is higher in the summer time. All kWh purchased
are at the same price.
This rate is eligible to use the Renewable Energy Rider to offset purchased power and get
credited for the surplus at the current price of -$0.0592 per kWh. Limited to annual kWh use divided by
1,800 for kW AC sizing (began June 2019).
General Service Time of Day < 100kWh use per hour: Rate 82/83 "GS-TOD"
Available for all non-residential members for single phase and multi-phase service up to 100 kVa
transformer, with a single point of delivery. The off-peak cost per kWh is approximately one fourth the
price of on peak power, which helps lower bills for members shifting energy usage to off peak hours. If
you can control the time of your kWh use during the day, this could lower your annual cost of power.
On-Peak Hours: Summer Months (April – October) 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Winter Months (November –
March) 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Applicable, on an optional basis, to all single or multi-phase non-residential members supplied
through one meter whose service requirements necessitate the installation of 100 kVA or less
transformer capacity.
General Service Optional Rate: GS-2: Rate 22/23
Applicable to all single-phase non-residential members supplied through one meter. Applicable
to all multi-phase non-residential members whose service requirements necessitate the installation of
100 kVA or less transformer capacity. This rate offers the lower of two methods of pricing power: cost
per kWh the same as GS-1 or a demand and energy priced rate. This rate provides lower cost for high
energy users with consistent use of power per hour.
School Service SCH Rate 30:
For electric service to schools of one standard secondary voltage required on member’s premises,
delivered at one point and metered at and compensated to that voltage and where required transformer
capacity exceeds 100 kVA. The rate has a fixed monthly service charge, energy charge and peak kW
(demand charge: highest kWh use over a 30-minute period, each month).
Large Power Service: LPS-1: Rate 40
This commercial rate has a service charge of $100 per month and a minimum $290 for the first 35 kW of
billed demand. The demand charge is the same after 35 kW and the energy charge goes down in prices
as more kWh are used per unit of billed kW. This rate is best for large commercial with a steady use of
Applicable to all electric service of one standard secondary voltage required on member’s premises,
delivered at one point and metered at or compensated to that voltage, and where required transformer
capacity exceeds 100 kVA. The capacity of individual motors served under this schedule shall not
exceed seven and one-half (7½) horsepower without consent from the Cooperative.
Large Power: Time of Day: LPS-2 Rate 84
Applicable to all single phase or multi-phase non-residential members supplied through one meter,
whose service requirements necessitate the installation of 100 kVA or larger transformer capacity. The
monthly Service Charge is $105 and the demand charge on peak is approximately four times the off
peak charge. Members pay the lower of these two charges. The energy (kWh) are priced at the same
cost per kWh. If you can control the time of your kWh use during the day, this could lower your annual
cost of power.
On-Peak Hours: Summer Months (April – October) 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Winter Months (November –
March) 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Large Power: Coincidental Peak: LPS-3 Rate 41
Applicable to all single phase or multi-phase non-residential members supplied through one meter,
whose service requirements necessitate the installation of 100 kVA or larger transformer capacity, on a
voluntary and limited basis. The rate has a Service Charge of $210 per month and paying the higher of
on peak demand or off-peak demand charges. On peak charges per kW are approximately 4 ½ times the
off-peak charge. Our Coincidental Peak hour per month is determined by the wholesale system peak
hour and typically, but not restricted, to the following hours: On-Peak Hours: Summer Months (April –
October) 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Winter Months (November – March) 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
This rate is applicable to members requiring over 100 kVA transformer capacity, but not more than
5,000 kilowatts demand.
Large Power and Industrial Service: LPIS-1: Rate 50
Applicable to large power, industrial, and institutional consumers (excluding schools and churches) for
all electric service of one standard voltage required on consumer’s premises, delivered at one point and
metered, and where the contract demand or actual or anticipated demand is greater than 1,000 kW. The
consumer shall consult the Cooperative on motor starting considerations. This rate provides a minimum
$13,900 charge for the first 1,000 kW and fixed cost in excess of 1,000 kW. The kWh (energy) charge
goes down in prices as more kWh are used per unit of billed kW.
requiring a substation for service is available, typically using a cost, plus based rate.
Economic Development incentives for this type of service may be available. Ask for Key Accounts
Representative for more information