Fixed budget billing is a set bill amount that recalculates/changes every May and October. So you have a set amount you pay for six months in a row. After those six months, it recalculates your payment amount in case your usage has changed. Along with the recalculation in May, you also "settle up." This means if your actual bill charges exceed what you paid through your fixed bill amount, you pay the difference to settle up. If your actual bill charges were below what you paid through your fixed budget amount, you would receive a bill credit for the difference.
Please be advised - you MUST pay the exact budget amount due each month, no more or less. Any variance from the amount due, including overage payments, could cause your account to be removed from budget billing.
You must have a zero balance to enroll in budget billing. Also, you must have service in your name at the location for at least 12 months to ensure accurate calculations.