Levelized Billing

Levelized Billing

Levelized budget billing is based on a rolling 12-month average.  Each month, the amount due will change slightly since you are paying the average of the previous 12 months.  There is rarely a significant difference in the payment amount from month to month - it's typically only a few dollars.  The only settle-up that occurs with levelized budget billing is when you disconnect service.  Because the amount due changes each month, it reduces the need for a "settle up" each year.  For this reason, levelized is our most popular option.

Please be advised - you MUST pay the exact budget amount due each month, no more or less.  Any variance from the amount due, including overage payments, could cause your account to be removed from budget billing.

You must have a zero balance to enroll in budget billing.  Also, you must have service in your name at the location for at least 12 months to ensure accurate calculations.

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