As a member of Berkeley Electric Cooperative, you are also an owner. When you make a payment to Berkeley Electric, a portion of that payment goes directly toward your "capital" investment in our electrical system. Unlike investor-owned utilities that generate profits on behalf of shareholders, not-for-profit electric cooperatives return any profits, or margins, to their members in the form of capital credits.
The Cooperative maintains a list of unclaimed capital credits. Please check the following database to determine if any of these credits belong to you. If you find your name listed, please call 843-899-9120 for more information on how to claim the ...
As a not-for-profit cooperative, our margins are allocated to our members every year. Allocation means the funds that you have invested in the cooperative are tracked, but not accessible in the form of cash. The actual distribution of funds, or ...
Electric utilities are capital-intensive businesses requiring large investments in equipment. Like all businesses, Berkeley Electric must maintain a balance between debt and equity to ensure financial stability. Capital credits are a significant ...
If you move out of our service territory, please keep us informed of your new address so we are sure to contact you regarding future capital credit refunds. To report your current address for future capital credit refunds, please email our Member ...
For active accounts, capital credit refunds are applied to your electric bill in the form of a bill credit. For inactive accounts, checks are issued and mailed to the last known address.